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Create Simple Carousel using jQuery

Carousel is a way to present content in the form of slideshow on web page. Here I’m showing how easily you can create a horizontal carousel using jQuery. You can play with the given code and easily create vertical carousel, circular carousel, auto-scrolling carousel etc.

I’m using jQuery for animation. So, you need jQuery JavaScript
library for it. You can download latest jQuery JavaScript library from

So, how it work.

Your basic structure of HTML for Carousel should be like this:-

<div id="my_carousel">
 	<li>some content...</li>
  <li>some content...</li>
  <li>some content...</li>
  <li>some content...</li>
  <li>some content...</li>
  <li>some content...</li>

What you need to do before applying “my_carousel” ID to your Carousel DIV.

1. Put any HTML content which you want to display in your LI’s.
2. Create CSS for your Carousel DIV.
3. You also need two images, or button to scroll your content in left and right direction.
4. Assign “btnprev” class to your left button or image.
5. Assign “btnnext” class to your right button or image.
6. Assign “my_carousel” ID to you Carousel DIV.

How JavaScript Code work:-

So, when browser load the page JavaScript look for “my_carousel” ID in HTML and apply all the require attributes and events to your DIV, UL, and LI.

Important JavaScript variables and their purpose:-

step – How many LI’s you want to scroll on click of left and right button.
current – Index or Number of left most visible LI in carousel.
maximum – Total number of LI in carousel.
visible – Number of visible LI’s.
speed – Animation speed.
liSize – Width of one LI in pixels.
carousel_height – Carousel DIV height.
ulSize – Width of UL. You can calculate it like this liSize * maximum.
divSize – Width of CArousel DIV. You can calculate it like this liSize * visible.

Assign require attributes to DIV, UL, and LI.

we assigned the clicked event on next button and followed the same
logic what we used for previous click. We just changed it slightly to
check last LI when we click on next button. If the current is last LI we
will do nothing.

Complete JavaScript Code:-

<script language="javascript">
	$(function() {
		var step = 2; 
		var current = 0; 
		var maximum = $('#my_carousel ul li').size(); 
		var visible = 2; 
		var speed = 200; 
		var liSize = 331;
		var carousel_height = 161;
		var ulSize = liSize * maximum;  
		var divSize = liSize * visible; 
		$('#my_carousel ul').css("width", ulSize+"px").css("left", -(current * liSize)).css("position", "absolute");
		$('#my_carousel').css("width", divSize+"px").css("height", carousel_height+"px").css("visibility", "visible").css("overflow", "hidden").css("position", "relative"); 
		$('.btnnext').click(function() { 
			if(current + step < 0 || current + step > maximum - visible) {return; }
			else {
				current = current + step;
				$('#my_carousel ul').animate({left: -(liSize * current)}, speed, null);
			return false;
		$('.btnprev').click(function() { 
			if(current - step < 0 || current - step > maximum - visible) {return; }
			else {
				current = current - step;
				$('#my_carousel ul').animate({left: -(liSize * current)}, speed, null);
			return false;

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