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Create Drupal form using theme_table() like module list form

I am showing here an example for Drupal form like you saw in Module list pages.

Drupal Form using theme_table() function

Drupal Form using theme_table() function

I am considering here an example of Featured Product Management form so we can easily understand it.

Step 1:- Create a menu hook for registering your page path. This registered path will display the featured product management page.

function product_menu() {
	$items = array();
	$items['featured_product_mgmt'] = array(
		‘title’ => ‘Manage featured product’,
		‘page callback’ => ‘drupal_get_form’,
		‘page arguments’ => array(’featured_product_form’),
		‘access arguments’ => array(’access product’),
		‘type’ => MENU_CALLBACK,
  return $items;

Step 2:- Create form object for your form. Here the
important part is “featured” form element of type “checkboxes”.
Checkboxes type is a group of checkbox and format a set of checkboxes.
#options is an associative array, where the key is the #return_value of
the checkbox and the value is displayed. We will store other information
like name, category, discount etc. of product in form array so we can
display it later.

function featured_product_form() {
	$query = “SELECT p.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.create_date) AS create_date, FROM {product} p LEFT JOIN {category} c ON p.cid = c.cid
	WHERE p.status = 1 ORDER BY p.product_name”;
	$rs = db_query($query);
	$featured_products = featured_product();
	$status = array();
	if ($rs) {
		while ($data = db_fetch_object($rs)) {
      $options[$data->productid] =;
      $form[$data->productid]['name'] = array(#value’ => stripslashes($data->product_name));
      $form[$data->productid]['category'] = array(#value’ => stripslashes($data->name));
      $form[$data->productid]['discount'] = array(#value’ => $data->discount . ‘%’);
      $form[$data->productid]['createdon'] = array(#value’ => date(’m-d-Y’, $data->create_date));
      if (in_array($data->productid, $featured_products)) {
        $status[] = $data->productid;
	$form['featured'] = array(#type’ => ‘checkboxes’,
#options’ => $options,
#default_value’ => $status,
	$form['submit'] = array(#type’ => ’submit’,
#value’ => t(’Submit’),
	$form['cancel'] = array(#type’ => ‘markup’,
#value’ => l(t(’Cancel’), ‘dashboard’),
	$form['#redirect'] = ‘featured_product_mgmt’;
	return $form;

Step 3:- Create a form submit function. Any form
submitted using the “submit” button will pass to their corresponding
function if it is available. We will extract the user input from the
form array and update our database accordingly.

function featured_product_form_submit($form_id, $form) {
	$form_values = $form['values'];
	$featured = $form_values['featured'];
	$selected_products = array();
	foreach($featured as $key => $value) {
		if ($value) {
			$selected_products[] =($value);
	$value_string = @implode(,', $selected_products);
	// Delete all previous featured products
	$query = “DELETE FROM {product_featured}”;
	// Insert new featured products
	if (count($selected_products)) {
		$query = “INSERT INTO {product_featured}(productid) VALUES $value_string”;
	drupal_set_message(t(’Featured product list has been updated successfully.’));

Step 4:- Register your modules theme implementation using “hook_theme()” function.

function product_theme() {
	return array(
		‘featured_product_form’ => array(‘arguments’ => array(’form’ => NULL),),

Step 5:- Then finally define your theme function
which actually format your form layout in list using the $form array.
Using “foreach” loop we navigate through each item of $form array and
create $rows array which we pass to “theme_table()” function later.
Create the header of your table and call “table_theme()” function with
$header and $rows parameters. Call the “drupal_render()” function for
render the submit and cancel buttons.

function theme_featured_product_form($form) {
	$rows = array();
	foreach (element_children($form) as $key) {
		$row = array();
		if (isset($form[$key]['name'])) {
			$status = drupal_render($form['featured'][$key]);
			$row[] = array(’data’ => $status,class=> ‘checkbox’);
			$row[] = ‘‘. drupal_render($form[$key]['name']) .’‘;
			$row[] = array(’data’ => drupal_render($form[$key]['category']));
			$row[] = array(’data’ => drupal_render($form[$key]['discount']));
			$row[] = array(’data’ => drupal_render($form[$key]['createdon']));
			$rows[] = $row;
	// Individual table headers.
	$header = array();
	$header[] = array(’data’ => t(’Featured’),class=> ‘checkbox’);
	$header[] = t(’Name’);
	$header[] = t(’Category’);
	$header[] = t(’Discount’);
	$header[] = t(’Created on’);
	$output = theme(’table’, $header, $rows);
	$output .= drupal_render($form);
	return $output;

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