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Installing Apache Solr on Drupal 6


Installing Apache Solr on Drupal 6

One of the sessions that most interested me at the Do It With
Drupal thing in December 08 was Drupal Search Options led by Robert
Douglas. He spoke mostly about Apache Solr and how it can be an
alternative to Drupal's core search. In addition to being faster and
more accurate than core search, it can perform a faceted search (like
eBay, Amazon, or any number of retailer have).

A big caveat for Apach Solr in Drupal, however, is the Java
requirement. Ya gotsta have Java on your server to this thing to work.
In my old hosted server, I was SOL. But since I've moved to Slicehost,
I can install pretty much whatever I want. So first-up on the
weird-things-I-want-on-my-websites list was the Apache Solr search on my
Drupal sites.

And yes I installed it and yes it works (try the search at
But I didn't find any tip-to-tail installation information, so I
thought I'd add my experience to help anyone looking to do what I did.
The whole shebang is below the fold...

Most of the info at Drupal - Apache Solr Search Integration is solid and helpful. If I had to do it all again, I might look more into installing Tomcat.

1. Install Java 1.6
I have a 512 slice at Slicehost running Ubuntu Hardy. First thing I did was to install Java. I followed the instructions at jeff's blog - ubuntu slicehost sun java apt-get which, to abbreviate, was to install Java from a repository using sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk.

2. Get the PHP library
The code is found at and upload it to /sites/all/modules/apachesolr/SolrPhpClient.

3. Upload and Enable the ApacheSolr Module in Drupal
Not much to add, you know the module drill.

4. Install Apache Solr
I downloaded Apache Solr into a sub-directory of my home directory. You can find the latest here:
I replaced the schema.xml and solrconfig.xml files in
apache-solr-nightly/example/solr/conf with the ones in the ApacheSolr
Drupal module (this is right from the perfectly fine directions in the
module's README.txt). In the apache-solr-nightly/example directory I
typed java -jar start.jar and a whole bunch of Java start-up information filled the terminal. It was running.

(The module's instructions then said to go to http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/
and test that the server was running. I didn't bother with this -
mainly because I'm not running this on a local box, and with virtual
hosts I didn't feel like figuring it out.)

5. Configure the Apache Solr Module
When you go
to admin/settings/apachesolr, there's a message at the top which should
display "Your site has contacted the Apache Solr server." Hallelujah! I
left all the settings with the defaults. I enabled a taxonomy under the
'Enabled filters' tab. And under the 'Search index' tab I kept hitting
cron.php until all the content was indexed.

6. Searching with Apache Solr
the latest apache solr module under settings>advanced configuration,
you can choose to enable Solr as the default search so you no longer
have to replace the $search_box variable. You may ignore the rest of
this step.

It wasn't clear to me from the documentation just how
to get to the actual search box that uses Solr. You find it at
/search/apachesolr_search. But I wanted my website search box, the one
at the top of each page, to be the Solr search. There's probably a
better way of doing this, but in my page.tpl.php I replaced this code:

<div id="search-box">
<?php print $search_box; ?>

with the following code:

<div id="search" class="container-inline">
<form class="search-form" id="search-form" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" action="/search/apachesolr_search">
<input type="text" class="form-text" value="" id="edit-keys-header" name="keys" maxlength="255"/>
<input id="edit-submit" class="form-submit" type="submit" value="Search" />

And that did the trick.

7. Keeping Apache Solr Running
I'd gotten it working, but what about when I reboot the server? Am I going to type in that java -jar start.jar
after each reboot? Oh heck no. You have to start Apache Solr on boot.
Now I'm not a Sys Admin by trade, so this was new to me. All the scripts
to start up apps at boot live in /etc/init.d/. So what you need to do
is place a start-up script there and then place a links to it in the
directories that Ubuntu reads when starting up. So first, I need a
script to start up Apache Solr. With a little digging, I found a script
at - Solr init script:

#!/bin/sh -e

# Starts, stops, and restarts solr

JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx1024m -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -DSTOP.KEY=stopkey -jar start.jar"

case $1 in
        echo "Starting Solr"
        cd $SOLR_DIR
        echo "Stopping Solr"
        cd $SOLR_DIR
        $JAVA $JAVA_OPTIONS --stop
        $0 stop
        sleep 1
        $0 start
        echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}" >&2
        exit 1

Excellent. sudo nano /etc/init.d/solr and I dropped in the
above script. Then I needed to link to this script from the start-up
directories. I found an article on this at - How-To: Managing services with update-rc.d. sudo update-rc.d solr defaults and easy enough, it places links in the right places. I reboot, and my search keeps working. Lovely.

Now I'm a relative novice with the Sys Admin stuff, so if anything I
wrote here causes serious issues, please let me know in the comments.
Otherwise, I hope this helps.

UPDATE: 4 Nov 09 - Installing on CentOS at eApps
Most of the steps are the same, I'll just note the differences.

1. Install Java 1.6

Add the Java-SE-6 application through the eApps control panel.

7. Keeping Apache Solr Running

For starting applications at boot-up, CentOS has the chkconfig command instead of update-rc.d. Easy enough, but how do you get the solr application listed in chkconfig? Answer here:

Tags: Drupal 6 | Search | Slicehost | Web Server


Apache Solr 6.x-1.2 Automatically Uses Default Search

In the latest apache solr module under settings>advanced
configuration, you can choose to enable Solr as the default search so
you no longer have to replace the $search_box variable.


Updated the article. Thanks for the info!

Great rundown - thank you!!

You saved me a ton of time. One thing I figured out: you can
display the basic keyword search field by using the module-provided

apachesolr_search_view($type = NULL)


Thanks Greg. Your post was very handy to write a how-to handbook for absolute beginners at

Glad I could help! -Greg

Glad I could help! -Greg

Great tutorial.
Once thing I

Great tutorial.

Once thing I noticed when going through it, after you create the /etc/init.d/solr file, you need to make it executable by doing:

sudo chmod a+rx /etc/init.d/solr

Other than that, works flawlessly. Thanks so much!
