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Drupal Creating an input format programmatically

We needed to create a way to handle our RSS feeds differently than a
standard teaser display. After going through several iterations of
hook_nodeapi code, which were all less than we wanted, we decided to
look at using the standard Drupal filter ("input format") system. Since check_markup takes a filter format id as its second parameter, this just might be the easier way out.

Coding up a custom filter is not a big deal; there's a good example
in the API. So we did that, and it turned out to be much smaller than
the nodeapi code because it didn't need to check for all kinds of
different situations.

We then set up the full input format manually and tested. Everything was great. ...Except...
[Isn't there always an "except?"] We have three tiers of systems to go
through to get this stuff live. None of us were keen on creating the
input format again so many times; it's a manual process, so prone to

So the obvious answer is to do it programmatically. So we searched on
DO and couldn't find any documentation on how to do this. Oh, well,
time to re-invent the wheel... So here's the code we came up with; we
hope it gives someone else a jump start.

// First we want a complete list of roles, because we want everyone to have access to this.
$roles = array();
$result = db_query("SELECT rid FROM {role}");
  while (
$r = db_fetch_array($result)) {
$roles[] = $r['rid'];
// Build an array for writing.
$format = array('name' => 'test_format', 'roles' => ',' . implode(',', $roles), 'cache' => 0);
// Use drupal_write_record because we don't want duplicates.
drupal_write_record('filter_formats', $format);
// Save this format id.
$filter = $format['format'];
// Make sure it worked. If not, quit now.
if (!$filter) {
drupal_set_message(t('Oops, looks like this might be a duplicate filter?'), 'error');


// Okay, so far, so good. Now we make a list of the filters we want to use.
  // This is array(module, delta); The weight is determined by the order listed.
$list = array(
'nancys_filter', 0),  // Section remover
array('filter', 2),  // URL filter
array('filter', 0),  // HTML filter
array('nancys_filter', 1),  // Word fixer
array('filter', 1),  // Line break converter
array('filter', 3),  // HTML corrector
array('pathologic', 0), // Pathologic
// Okie, dokie. Now all we have to do is run through that array and write it to the db.
foreach ($list as $weight => $r) {
$row = array('format' => $filter, 'module' => $r[0], 'delta' => $r[1], 'weight' => $weight);
drupal_write_record('filters', $row);
// And finally...
  // Create a default list of HTML tags for the HTML filter to use.
variable_set("allowed_html_$filter", '<a>
<abbr> <acronym> <address> <b> <bdo>
<big> <blockquote> <br> <caption> <cite>
<code> <col> <colgroup> <dd> <del>
<dfn> <div> <dl> <dt> <em> <h1>
<h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <hr>
<i> <ins> <kbd> <li> <ol> <p>
<pre> <q> <samp> <small> <span>
<strong> <sub> <sup> <table> <tbody>
<td> <tfoot> <th> <thead> <tr> <tt>
<ul> <var>'
